Earlier in October 2012, it was presented to members of my local
gaming club the opportunity to join a year November campaign to paint for our
The rules for the
campaign were easy - paint 1000+ points of your selected gaming system during
the month of November, present your finished models with pictures via the
Facebook Group, Bloggs or courier pigeon to other members and then gloat in
your painting glory.
Being my first post on this (mine) Blogg, I thought what better
way than to break the ice than show off my terrible photography skills and
masterful ability to speed paint through an army. Or at the very least paint
1000 points and move onto another project.
The army in question are my Games Workshop 40k Grey Knights.
Although I chose a system that I rarely play, the thought of painting something
that wasn’t an Orc or a Goblin from a random fantasy universe, or my
Trollbloods from the PP range was exciting.
Painting up an army of face-fucking murderous Paladins and
Dreadknights was a highlight, and hopefully the appalling photo skills below
can at least convey some semblance of painting skills.
Finally, the painting process for the models shown below was as
- Prime the models with Army Painted Chainmail spray
- Generously cover the model with Asurmen Blue wash from the prior
GW range before that screwed their current fan-base of those colours
- Dry brush Chainmail all over the model
- Highlight the Oath/Seals with Blood Red and Bleached Bone
coats of PVA glue. One to stick and one to seal the dirt covering the base.
the dirt black then dry brush white.
small cavities within the base to fill with resin to give the impression of
I hope you like the final result.